Saturday, November 24, 2012

Download Soal OSK Astronomi 2012


1. The farthest South that an observer on the Earth can see Polaris is

A. Arctic Circle
B. Antarctic Circle
C. Equator
D. the Tropic of Cancer
E. the Tropic of Capricorn

2. Which of the following statements show that the Einstein relativistic theory is correct?

1. The star behind the Sun is observable during Total Solar Eclipse
2. The short lived cosmic ray which is created in upper atmosphere can be observed in larger amount than expected
3. The orbit of Mercury differ from the prediction by Newton law but fit with the Einstein relativistic prediction
4. Comet size is larger when it approach the Sun

A. If 1, 2, and 3 correct
B. If 1 and 3 correct
C. If 2 and 4 correct
D. If only 4 correct
E. if all answer are correct

Download Soal OSK Astro 2012 yang lebih lengkap di link berikut ini

 download Soal OSK Astro 2012-S3

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